Thumball Getting to Know You
Getting to Know You Thumball questions:
- A major decision
- A turning point in your life
- Someone you’d like to dine with or meet
- Favorite way to spend a free afternoon
- To Do list item that most reflects you
- Family is…
- I was named after…
- If you could have a room full of any 1 thing…
- The best gift you ever received
- Your “3 wishes”
- Who did you look up to as a kid?
- What makes you happy despite any mood?
- Last time you said sorry and meant it
- What you most value in a friendship
- Greatest phobia/fear
- Most memorable moment
- A chore you absolutely hate doing
- Favorite form of exercise
- Least favorite mode of transportation
- A sound that you love
- A new skill you’d like to have (with no effort)
- The most difficult thing you've ever done?
- The age you'd most want to relive
- The age at which you became an adult
- An experience that made you a better person
- Something you did that got you in trouble
- One item on your bucket list
- Your claim to fame
- What do you love/hate about travel?
- You can be invisible for a day. What would you do?
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